We are longtime gamers and friends, with experience playing and creating content for the entire range of Dungeons and Dragons rulesets. Although we may have our personal favorites when it comes to rules and settings, we are very much of the mindset that there’s room in this hobby for a wide variety of play styles and interests. If it works for you and your gaming group, that’s what’s important.

We have a full calendar of releases planned, mostly Greyhawk at the moment, but with some Forgotten Realms in the near future.

Comment Policy

You may notice that comments are usually turned off. This isn’t because we don’t want to hear from fellow gamers — we welcome your feedback at any time. But we’ve seen comments sections spiral out of control on other sites in the past, maybe while the owners were away at work, and we don’t want anyone to have a bad experience here. Our day jobs are demanding enough that we might not be able to respond until evening. We’ll periodically revisit our policy. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us via the web form.